With only a month left for PGP Cycle-2 deadline, here are some handy tips to build a stronger application:
Tip 1: Start Early and Stay Focused
The ISB PGP application has multiple sections that you will need to fill out. The personal details, education & work details, awards, extracurricular, essays for scholarships, scores and other documents need to be uploaded. Its a fairly simple process but is a time consuming one. Its recommended that you start with working on your application as soon as possible. Set timelines for sections and dont wait till the last minute.
Here is the link to the application portal
Tip 2: Tell your stories well
There are only 2 essays this year. This is your opportunity to tell the admissions team your story. Focus on what is your uniqueness, what would you bring to the class and your career goals. Keep your essays within the word limit.
Read what does ISB look for in a candidate here
Tip 3: Talk about your passion
We look for quality extracurricular engagements rather than quantity. It’s always a good idea to showcase a deeply involved engagement/project you’re really passionate about, than to state multiple engagements with little contribution.
Tip 4: Select the right evaluator
Choose an evaluator who has seen your work closely. Its recommended that you request your reporting manager(current or past) to do your evaluation as he/she would know your working style and can give quality inputs. Share a brief on details and depth of your contribution as a reminder can refresher for him/her.
Tip 5: Review, Review, Review
Go through your application a couple of times before submitting it. Check for grammatical errors, typos, missed out sections. Ensure your application is complete – with all documents uploaded and essays reviewed.
Cycle 2 deadline is on Jan 15, 2018. If you have any queries related to PGP write to pgp@isb.edu. If you have questions related to the application portal write to apphelp@isb.edu.
All the best.