Perspectives from ISB

So far I’ve blogged about various learning opportunities in the PGP – learning goals, applied learning, extracurricular activities, etc, apart from traditional classroom-based learning. This week, I want to introduce you to the lighter side of PGP – the vibrant life on campus.

Those who have visited our campuses in Mohali and/or Hyderabad would have noticed how the campus facilities make them both self-sufficient. The campuses and services are designed to ensure that students and their families have a very comfortable stay throughout the year. Students have the option of living in shared accommodation or individual flats. All campus housing is fully furnished, of course. We also provide housekeeping services for the convenience of our students and their families. In fact, PGP alumni often joke that the first thing they miss about ISB immediately after graduating is the 5-star level housekeeping services! While many students prefer to cook their own meals in their accommodations’ fully equipped kitchens, both campuses have multiple cafeterias and cafes that provide good wholesome food, round the clock. There are also grocery stores that stock fresh produce and other essentials.

A lot of emphasis is placed on physical health and wellbeing at ISB, and the community regularly participates in marathons, triathlons and corporate sports meets every year. The sports and recreation facilities, gym/health club, swimming pool, etc help our students and family to stay physically fit and train for events. Our sports facilities also have coaches and personal trainers to assist those who want to learn a new sport or improve their workout. Early birds who can hit the gym by 6 AM get to work out with Dean Ajit Rangnekar and some of our faculty who are regulars at the gym!

Other facilities that are available to the ISB community are yoga, musical instruments, book stores, DVD libraries, postal facilities, bank and ATMs, pharmacies, salons (for both men and women) and more. As you can imagine, almost everything that one needs is available here itself and there is little need to leave campus. For those who may still like to step out and explore the city, the school operates a shuttle service that runs to and from various parts of the city. Both, Hyderabad and Mohali are lovely cities to live in, each with their own unique charms.

ISB being a family-friendly place, students often opt to have their families live with them on campus for the entire duration of the PGP. Spouses are actively involved in campus life through the Spouse and Family Association (SFA). Many spouses also opt to take up full-time jobs on campus in areas of interest to them. For the children, there are day care facilities (currently only in Hyderabad), multiple play areas, professional training in various sports, arts, music, languages, etc. There are also several good schools nearby, with pick-up and drop facilities from our campuses itself. The school admission cycles are in sync with ISB’s admission schedule, making it easy for the parent(s) as well as the children to get enrolled in their respective schools at the same time! Apart from spouses and children, some students also have their parents stay comfortably on campus. Not having to worry about spending a year away from one’s spouse, young children or elderly parents while pursuing higher education often plays a key role in an applicant’s decision-making process.

Festivals and celebrations are a very important part of life on campus. The Student Life Council and the Spouse and Family Association ensure that the entire ISB community comes together to celebrate festivals as one. Customs and traditions from all over India are revered and followed with great enthusiasm. Holi is the last festival that the class celebrates together before their graduation, and so is one of the biggest events on campus every year.

Holi at ISB
Holi, the festival of colours, being celebrated by the community in signature ISB-style.

When it comes to celebrations on our campuses, the Indian Independence Day warrants a special mention. At ISB, we celebrate it in our own unique way – by hosting less-privileged children from nearby orphanages, schools for the blind, etc for a day full of fun and games, a celebration that we like to call Bandhan. The children and ISB community alike eagerly await this celebration every year.

Apart from festivals and holidays, the Student Life Council also organises mixers regularly on campus to help the ISB community unwind, network and build bonds. Social clubs like the Theatre Club, Music Club, Wine and Brew Club, etc also play an important role in livening up the mixers. The end of each term is usually party time on campus, where students celebrate the milestone and get ready to take on the next term. Many of them also opt to travel together in the term break, using the opportunity to see new places and build memories that last a lifetime.

There is so much more going on at both our campuses every day. In fact, what I have covered in this post is merely the tip of the iceberg. If you are curious about campus life and what it has in store for you, I recommend that you follow our official student-run Life@ISB handles on Facebook and Twitter, where current PGP students share updates from both campuses in real time. As you will see, there is something for everyone and there is never a dull moment at the school!

All the best!