Perspectives from ISB

The rich diversity at ISB is best captured through the various student driven initiatives on campus. Every student brings along a unique talent and helps enhance the student life experience at ISB. One such popular initiative which is providing interim relief to students from the stress of the fast paced curriculum is Zumba.

Conducted on a weekly basis by PGP student Neha Mohanty, a typical Zumba session sees students taking a break from the rigors of academics and gyrating to popular beats. A former category manager at Domyos, the fitness brand of Decathlon, Neha was also a Zumba instructor for 4 years before joining ISB. Leveraging her past experience, she compiles intense playlists and choreographs moves for every session to attain pre-defined fitness goals. On an average, 800 calories are burnt by each participant which is equivalent to swimming non-stop for two hours!

Life at ISB is an enthralling and often overwhelming experience which helps you grow as a person. Students learn to work hard, party hard, handle stress and make everlasting bonds. Zumba captures these unique flavors of student life in totality. Sweating it out for an hour keeps you fit for the hard day’s work ahead, dancing to popular beats (even if you have two left feet) is all about having fun, getting the dash of dopamine is the most effective way of beating stress and bonding over music is a sure way of making friends. This is what the life experience at ISB stands for: Keep fit, Have fun, Beat stress and Make friends!