Perspectives from ISB

The debate over whether great leaders are born or created has been in progress for decades. At ISB, we believe that individuals with latent potential can be groomed to become effective leaders, no matter what their field of specialisation is. Our alumni are a testament to this belief. Graduates from ISB have gone forth to hold leadership positions in some of the biggest global brands across industries. Graduates with entrepreneurial mindsets also establish their own start-ups, defining success on their own terms.

We believe that  grooming future leaders needs to start from a much earlier stage than previously thought. Our Young Leaders Programme (YLP) is designed to provide the much sought after learning and guidance, which undergraduates who envision a career in management need. ISB identifies potential leaders through holistic evaluations that consider academic prowess (GMAT scores, collegiate performance), extracurricular activities (to determine what additional skills or leadership quotient candidates can bring to the table), essays as well as references.

The YLP provides students a keen edge through multiple beneficial aspects, the majority of which include the following.

Learning and Mentoring

We understand that students who wish to pursue a career in management often have a lot of questions with regards to the right approach for the best results. At this stage, ideas often require more clarity and direction which are best addressed by industry experts. By participating in the YLP, students get priceless insights and mentoring from experienced leaders across industries. Structured learning sessions ensure that students absorb the critical aspects of management.

Prequel to a Globally Recognised Management Program

YLP students are provided the opportunity to enroll in the flagship Post Graduate Programme (PGP) in Management. Work experience of 1 year 9 months is required to be completed before a candidate is considered eligible for admission to the PGP.  The PGP further equips and shapes aspiring leaders to step out into a competitive world and steer their careers towards success.

Making Connections

A strong network of connections is an extremely important resource for any professional, more so for managers and future leaders. ISB alumni comprise achievers in top management positions across the world and founders of extremely successful entrepreneurial ventures. Students get opportunities to interact not only with alumni and mentors but also build connections with industry peers who serve as indispensable assets for a bright career ahead.

Being part of the YLP gives every student the chance to develop as well-rounded future leaders who can effortlessly lead businesses to succeed. It is the start to a powerful education that will equip them for life.