Perspectives from ISB

We are in the midst of the admission season for PGP 2013-2014. This is also the time when we get a large number of queries. All these queries give me the impression that there are still a lot of myths about the ISB doing the rounds. So I’d like to talk about the most common ones & bust them.

Myth 1: There is a GMAT cut-off score of 700+
The ISB does not have any cut-off score on GMAT for accepting a PGP application. The only requirement for submitting a GMAT score is that it has to be valid. The application is viewed holistically taking into view the academics, work experience and extra-curricular activities along with the GMAT score. The GMAT score is only one of a number of aspects of the application we look at. The range of GMAT scores in the current class is from 600 to 790.

Myth 2: Round 1 is always better than Round 2
I had talked about this in my last year’s blog too. I don’t mind re-iterating that Round 1 or Round 2 does NOT matter. You should apply when you are ready and your application is at its best. Check if all your application details are completed, if you are comfortable with your GMAT score and if your work accomplishments are portrayed well. If yes, then apply right away. But is a promotion around the corner? Are you going to complete an important project in the next couple of months? If yes, then you might want to apply in Round 2. There is NO advantage of seats in Round 1 over Round 2.

Myth 3: Hyderabad & Mohali campuses follow different Admission processes
The Mohali campus is just a part of ISB as is the Hyderabad campus. We follow a unified admission process across the two campuses. While we would try & accommodate the choice of campus indicated by an applicant, it may not be possible in all cases.

Myth 4: The PGP is not affordable
The advantage at the ISB is a tuition fee that is approximately less than half the average cost of a typical top 10 international B-school. We also have a host of scholarships & loans. While scholarships cover a major portion of the cost, loans cover nearly all of it. The other significant advantage is that this is a one-year programme where you get back to the industry & start earning much earlier as compared to a two-year programme.