Perspectives from ISB

After living in Canada for thirteen years, I invariably chose Asia for my management studies. Asia is poised for growth in the coming decades. In comparison to other economies, India really stood out for me. The way things happen in India are much more rigorous and challenging. India is experiencing tremendous growth in the field of healthcare, innovation, manufacturing etc. Coming from the telecommunications background; the 4G network growth prospects and the opportunities it will bring in the country excited me. Besides, an MBA education from a market where you want to work does make a difference.

I had it clear in my mind that I wanted a business school which provides global perspectives and a collaborative environment. After doing my research – ISB was undoubtedly my number one choice as it fit the bill perfectly. To me, it was a global school based out of India. The fact that it is South Asia’s first AACSB-accredited B-school spoke volumes about the culture I should expect.

Being a part of the school, I came to realize that the school does a lot for you, but the students themselves are very engaging. The diversity is huge with respect to experience. From doctors to artists, we’ve got them all in our classroom. The kind of experience and learning you get from your peers in one year is unmatched. It’s been 5 months now that I’ve been serving as the President of the Graduate Student Board at ISB and I can approve that the culture, is indeed, student driven.

Another advantage that ISB provides you is the cream of the crop faculty from various globally renowned B-schools. Getting to learn from Professors at Wharton, Kellogg, London Business School, and Stanford along with the incredible residential faculty makes a difference in terms of your thinking, learning, and overall growth. This was a huge consideration for me as there aren’t many schools that can boast of a faculty model as unique as this.

Among other things that delighted me, was the kind of care the school takes of you. Coming from Canada, I did have my doubts about the campus facilities and hygiene. ISB did not fail to pleasantly surprise me with its world class campuses.

Another important thing is what you take away with you after you graduate from the school. I, for one, know that I have a portal to the thousands of alumni spread across the world. The opportunities and knowledge that you gain being in close association with the school are endless.

Today, I am proud to be a part of the ISB PGP class of 2016. I strongly believe that my decision of choosing ISB over other B-schools is working in my best interest, and will continue to do so in the coming years.

About the Author – 

Eklavya Sharma is the President of the Graduate Student Board (Class of 2016) at the Indian School of business. He is also a marketer and a tech- enthusiast.