- Stand alone family business boards are increasingly seeing more involvement from the women of the family. Recent government stipulations have focused on corporate gender parity, especially in directorship. Women directors at family firms face ‘competence versus kinship’ challenge –https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/64741474.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
- Gentleman Babu cannot be anything but a gentleman. For over two decades, the nine-letter tag has helped Babu build Gentleman Chit Funds, with over 25,000 trusting subscribers.
The chit funds business in India, which goes back 120 years into the annals of history, has traditionally been the preserve of affluent families with faultless pedigree .How GeNext and new entrants are working to upgrade chit funds –https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/banking/finance/how-genext-and-new-entrants-are-working-to-upgrade-chit-funds/articleshow/64741378.cms
- Inheriting massive wealth is a rare privilege, but some families have managed to establish fortunes that span multiple generations.Indeed, 25 families have amassed $1.1 trillion of the world’s wealth, often with grandchildren and great-grandchildren still reaping the rewards of their industrious forefathers. Born rich: The world’s 25 wealthiest families who control $1.1 trillion in inherited money- and 11 American clans made the list – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5893695/Born-rich-worlds-30-biggest-family-fortunes-control-1-1-trillion-inherited-wealth.html
- Ecommerce delivery platform WOW Express has raised $4.5 million (about Rs 30 crore) from existing investor including, Tamarind Family Private Trust of the Mansukhani family, the co-promoters of Mirc Electronics, which owns consumer durables brand Onida. WOW Express bags Rs 30 crore from Tamarind Family Trust – https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/startups/newsbuzz/wow-express-bags-rs-30-crore-from-tamarind-family-trust/articleshow/64773443.cms
- Creating a Family Trust and then “living” it, are both involved activities. The process of forming the Trust can influence the content of the Trust deeds. Many business families hasten to form Family and Business Trusts and begin this work prematurely, only to hit roadblocks of dysfunctionalities within the family.Soft preconditions for robust family trusts – https://www.businesstoday.in/opinion/columns/soft-preconditions-for-a-robust-family-trust/story/278659.html
- Transgenerational continuity in a family business requires systematic development of entrepreneurial orientation within the family, since that is their unique contribution to the business. The business family is a powerful amniotic crucible for entrepreneurship. Family culture, values, and family role models can activate enterprise, innovativeness, achievement motivation, risk taking and persistenceThe entrepreneurial talent pipeline – highway to continuity – https://www.businesstoday.in/opinion/columns/family-business-readings-the-entrepreneurial-talent-pipeline-highway-to-continuity/story/279657.html
- Promoting Good Governance – http://myimpact.impactmeasurement.co.in/impact/clip_new.php?id=e378ed90d405045ad43694bf4c393a85&id2=9c058240ef2752e73d433eb4e246e2d6