Perspectives from ISB

Smart hospitals “optimize, redesign and/or build new clinical processes, management systems and maybe even infrastructure, all enabled by underlying digitized networking infrastructure of interconnected assets, to provide a valuable service or insight which was not possible or available earlier, to achieve better patient care, experience and operational efficiency” as defined by Heathcare Global. Implemented through three important layers: data, insight and access, these hospitals create added value by addressing the key drivers of a healthcare facility.  But, what are its benefits for patients, healthcare providers, and others and how can it be financed? What will it take India to build one?    

AMPH Co 2022 students Dr. Sruthi Gondi and Dr. Nishant Sunkarineni invited experts and industry leaders to share their opinions and insights on “pathways for building a smart hospital” in the AMPH Discussion Circle hosted by the Max Institute of Healthcare Management.

Key insights from the discussion 

  • The healthcare sector is a complex environment and faces an array of challenges that include “changing care models, consumerization of healthcare, elevated cost pressure, healthcare digitalization, cybersecurity, funding challenges, tackling staff shortage, public and political pressures” while maintaining the core essence of patient-centricity and clinical efficacy.
  • Technology-led initiatives in a healthcare setting can provide strategic tools that can optimize multiple aspects of operational performance through the vision of “SMART HOSPITALS”.
  • Currently, Indian hospitals have incorporated a few aspects of smart strategies but have a long way to go, though the recent pandemic has accelerated the thought process.
  • Sophisticated RFID tags for inpatients, bar code scanning of medicines, smart prescriptions, smart EHR, smart lab reports assessment, remote monitoring devices, AI in clinical management, staff/patient workflow applications are some of the smart initiatives that can be implemented in the near future.
  • Developing technology-led patient-centric strategies is the key.
  • Feasibility in terms of developing smart infrastructure and its financial viability for both short and long-term basis should be assessed.

Moderated by the students of AMPH Co 2022, the Max Institute of Healthcare Management hosts the AMPH Discussion Circle on the third Sunday of every month on its LinkedIn page. Click here to go to this discussion thread. 

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